Wg Cdr Sam “Samboo” Sekhar RIP

Sam Sekhar
Sam Sekhar passed away peacefully on 25th Sep 17 at 1155 hrs in Toronto . Born on 01 Nov 1945 he joined the Air Force in 1967. He is survived by his wife ( Nippu ) and two daughters ( Aparna & Shimona ) who are settled in Canada.

Sam was one of my oldest Air Force buddies. We had a long and lasting friendship. Starting from Pune, Hashimara, Jodhpur and Ambala. Samboo loved life and was always the fun guy with a classic sense of humour, which he carried till the end. Most of the Air Force guys of that era will always fondly remember his escapades in the Air and on the ground and the way he kept everyone in splits. All of us who were in Hashimara, Jodhpur and Ambala have such fond memories with him.  He had a long tenure in Training Command and everyone there had always fun things to say about him and remember him by.
After moving to Canada he  regularly called up most of his friends to give and get an update of what was happening. Every visit to India, he made it a point to meet as many friends as he could. A few years ago he started writing ” SAM’s KAHANI “, which Dara published on the blog every few months. He had a simple and clear way of writing which can be compared to any professional Author. His memory, till the end was so very sharp and his ability to recall forgotten events, in detail,  brought back vivid memories. Everyone used to look forward to the ” KAHANI’s ” every few months, which we will miss now. 
Sam was a Good Human being – he will be missed. God bless him and may he rest in peace.

2 Responses to Wg Cdr Sam “Samboo” Sekhar RIP

  1. pmalaker says:

    Sam Sir was one of a kind. I first met him when I was posted as an U/T pilot to 10 Sqn in Apr 1978 and had the privilege of being instructed by him in a number of instructional sorties. What remains indelible is the fact that he used to sing a few lines from the John Denver classic `Country Roads’ which starts with `Almost Heaven’ a place where Sam Sir has flown to. The chorus was `Country Roads take me home” a befitting closure in the current circumstances. He was a maverick and his escapades and anecdotes will remain evergreen. Rock them in heaven Sir. I’ll miss your calls from Canada inquiring of my well being. Deepest condolences to Mrs Sekhar and the girls.
    Mal & Renuka

  2. menonckk says:

    We will remember Sam for his high spirits and joie de vivre. We were together in 10 squadron. Sam was a keen flyer, a good team member and an asset to the Daggers. We will miss his anecdotes, rich in detail and mischievous, irreverent humour. God decided to take him early. My sincere condolences to his family.

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